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Upgrading Your Arsenal in Lords of the Fallen: A Guide to Blacksmith Gerlinde

In the treacherous world of ‘Lords of the Fallen’, mastering the art of combat is essential for survival. A significant aspect of gaining an edge over formidable foes lies in the ability to upgrade your arsenal. Central to this process is the discovery of a skilled blacksmith, Gerlinde, who is the key to enhancing your weapons and turning the tide in battle. Her expertise allows you to transform ordinary weapons into legendary implements of destruction, making the search for Gerlinde a crucial step in your journey.

Locating Gerlinde the Blacksmith

Finding Gerlinde is a task that requires both cunning and strength. She is located in Pilgrim’s Perch, but freeing her from captivity is no simple feat. Here are the steps to locate and liberate Gerlinde:

  • Travel to Pilgrim’s Perch, where you’ll find Gerlinde imprisoned.
  • Listen for the sound of hammering and look for her cell below the wooden walkway.
  • Defeat the guards, including dogs and a Pureblade enemy, to obtain the cell key.
  • Use ranged attacks from atop the cell to safely dispatch the dogs.
  • Engage the Pureblade warrior and claim the key.
  • Free Gerlinde with the key, and she will relocate to Skyrest Bridge after you rest.

Once Gerlinde is free, she will be available to upgrade your weapons and begin her quest.

Upgrading Weapons with Gerlinde

After securing Gerlinde’s freedom, she becomes an invaluable ally in your quest. Upgrading weapons with her assistance involves the use of a special material known as Deralium. Below is a table outlining the upgrade process:

Service Requirement
Basic Weapon Upgrade Deralium
Master Weapon Upgrade Deralium

Gerlinde not only upgrades weapons but also sells items that can aid you on your journey.

Gerlinde’s expertise is not limited to weapon upgrades. She also entrusts you with a quest to gather rune tablets scattered throughout Mournstead. These tablets are key to unlocking further secrets and enhancing your capabilities, making them a valuable target for any adventurer seeking to conquer the challenges of ‘Lords of the Fallen’.

Gerlinde the blacksmith in Lords of the Fallen
Gerlinde the blacksmith – (Image credit: Hexworks / CI Games)

Locating Gerlinde the Blacksmith

To harness the full potential of your weapons in ‘Lords of the Fallen’, you must first locate the blacksmith Gerlinde. She is the key to upgrading your equipment, which is essential for taking on the game’s more daunting challenges. Follow these steps to free Gerlinde from her prison cell in Pilgrim’s Perch:

  1. Navigate to Pilgrim’s Perch, where Gerlinde is trapped.
  2. Listen for the distinct sound of her hammering to locate her cell beneath the wooden walkway.
  3. Engage and defeat the nearby enemies, including dogs and a Pureblade, to retrieve the cell key.
  4. Consider using ranged attacks from above the cell to eliminate the dogs safely.
  5. Confront the Pureblade warrior to secure the key.
  6. Unlock Gerlinde’s cell with the key, and she will move to Skyrest Bridge once you rest at a checkpoint.

Upon freeing Gerlinde, she will offer her services to upgrade your weapons, marking the beginning of a beneficial alliance.

The blacksmith Gerlinde working in her cell in Lords of the Fallen
Gerlinde in her cell – (Image credit: Hexworks / CI Games)

Upgrading Weapons with Gerlinde

Once you have successfully located Gerlinde in ‘Lords of the Fallen’, you can begin the process of upgrading your weapons. Gerlinde offers her blacksmithing skills to enhance your gear, which is crucial for progressing through the game’s challenges. To upgrade your weapons, you will need a resource known as Deralium. Here’s a simple guide on how to use Gerlinde’s services:

Service Offered Resource Required
Basic Weapon Upgrade Deralium
Master Weapon Upgrade Deralium

After upgrading your weapons, Gerlinde will also sell additional items that may be of use on your journey. Upgrading your weapons is a strategic move that can significantly increase your combat effectiveness.

Gerlinde’s talents extend beyond the anvil; she also entrusts you with a quest that will take you across the perilous lands of Mournstead in ‘Lords of the Fallen’. Your mission is to locate rune tablets, ancient artifacts imbued with power. These tablets are not only key to Gerlinde’s own endeavors but also to unlocking greater strength and abilities for yourself. As you venture forth, keep a keen eye out for these mystical tablets to bring back to the blacksmith, enhancing both your arsenal and your bond with Gerlinde.

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