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The Zen of Gaming: One Runescape Player’s Quest for a Million Monkfish

There’s a certain charm to the dedication gamers show towards their favorite titles, often engaging in tasks that to the outside world might seem trivial or downright nonsensical. Yet, within the virtual realms they inhabit, these tasks take on a life of their own, becoming quests for personal achievement and inner satisfaction. A prime example of this is an Old School Runescape player’s recent feat, which has left many both baffled and impressed. This individual’s journey to catch a staggering one million monkfish is a testament to the peculiar but fascinating challenges players set for themselves in the pursuit of gaming glory.

Old School Runescape player's quest for a million monkfish
(Image credit: Jagex / ScreteMonge on YouTube)

The Unusual Achievement

An Old School Runescape enthusiast, known in the gaming community as AvengedKalas, has accomplished what many would deem unthinkable. This player has managed to catch not one, not a thousand, but a staggering one million monkfish within the game’s pixelated waters. This monumental task is estimated to have taken between 2,500 to 4,500 hours of gameplay, a span of time that showcases an extraordinary level of commitment and patience.

Activity Time Spent
Catching 1 million monkfish in Old School Runescape 2,500 – 4,500 hours
Learning a new language 480 hours (to reach basic fluency)
Completing a Bachelor’s degree Approximately 3,600 hours
Watching the entire Netflix catalog Approximately 36,000 hours

When compared to other potential activities, the time invested in this gaming achievement is both awe-inspiring and thought-provoking. It’s a clear illustration of the dedication some players have to their virtual endeavors, often rivaling or surpassing the time invested in real-world achievements.

Multitasking During the Grind

The journey to one million monkfish was not a solitary task for AvengedKalas. Throughout the grind, the player engaged in a variety of other activities, effectively multitasking to make the most of the time spent in front of the screen. This approach to gaming showcases a modern blend of leisure and productivity that many gamers have come to embrace.

  • Attending Zoom classes, staying connected and educated while fishing
  • Watching movies and series on streaming services, combining entertainment with the grind
  • Playing on a main character in Old School Runescape, doubling down on in-game progress
  • Gaming on a Nintendo Switch, enjoying the versatility of handheld gaming

These activities, when combined with the repetitive task of catching monkfish, paint a picture of a player who has mastered the art of balancing leisure with other aspects of daily life, all while pursuing a seemingly endless gaming goal.

The Choice of Monkfish

The Old School Runescape community was left scratching their heads at AvengedKalas’s choice of monkfish. In a game where numerous fish exist, each with their own benefits, the decision to focus on this particular catch was intriguing. Monkfish are known to be slower to collect than other in-game fish like karambwans, and they offer less healing power—a monkfish heals 16 hit points compared to the 18 healed by a karambwan, which can also be ‘combo eaten’ with other food or potions for greater effect.

The community’s reaction ranged from bemusement to admiration, with many questioning the rationale behind this peculiar goal. AvengedKalas’s reasoning was simple yet profound: a mix of “personal preference and stubbornness.” This response highlights the personal nature of in-game goals, where the value is often found in the journey rather than the destination.

Despite the community’s curiosity, AvengedKalas’s dedication to monkfish stands as a bold statement of individuality in the gaming world, where players often chase efficiency over personal satisfaction. It’s a reminder that in the end, how we play and what we achieve is a reflection of our own unique gaming narratives.

As we reflect on the countless hours spent by AvengedKalas in pursuit of a million monkfish, it’s worth considering the broader implications of time spent in gaming. For some, the idea of dedicating thousands of hours to a single task in a game like Old School Runescape might seem like a curious use of time. Yet, for the player in question, this was a journey of fulfillment, a testament to the joy that can be found in the pursuit of a self-set goal, no matter how arbitrary it may seem to others.

Time, after all, is a subjective currency. What might appear as a ‘waste’ to one person could well be the epitome of contentment to another. In the world of gaming, where virtual achievements hold a special place in the hearts of many, the value of these accomplishments cannot be measured by conventional standards. It’s the personal satisfaction, the sense of completion, and perhaps even the quest for inner peace that drives players to push the boundaries of what is possible within these digital landscapes.

AvengedKalas’s story is a modern-day echo of the myth of Sisyphus, endlessly rolling his boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down and to start over. Yet, as Albert Camus suggested, there is happiness to be found in the struggle itself. In the case of our intrepid fisherman, the repetitive act of catching monkfish was imbued with purpose and contentment. It’s a powerful reminder that in gaming, as in life, the pursuit of happiness often lies in the journey, not the destination.

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