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The Personal Toll of Videogame Industry Layoffs: A Year in Review


The video game industry has faced a significant wave of layoffs from January 2023 through January 2024, with the scale of job losses being difficult to comprehend. The reasons behind this downturn are multifaceted, including factors such as studio consolidation, tightened margins following an early boom during the Covid-era, and what some describe as corporate greed. These layoffs are not just statistics; they represent the shattering of dreams and livelihoods for many individuals who aspired to build a career in this competitive field.

Behind each number is a personal story of disruption, with many facing the harsh reality of their dream job or first break in the industry coming to an abrupt end. The article delves into the personal impact of these layoffs, shedding light on the human side of the crisis that has unfolded over the past year.

Blizzard's Unannounced Survival Game team laid off in January 2024
(Image credit: Blizzard Survival Game team)

Layoff Statistics

Year Estimated Total Layoffs
2023 11,250 people
Early 2024 Nearly 6,000 layoffs
  • Public Games Industry Layoffs tracker hosted on Obsidian Publishing

Industry Trends and Observations

The recent spate of layoffs within the gaming industry has raised questions about whether these events are an aberration or indicative of a more entrenched issue. The visibility of layoffs has certainly increased, potentially due to the amplifying effect of social media and a growing focus on labor practices within the industry. However, the question remains as to whether the industry has always faced such challenges, now simply coming to light due to heightened scrutiny.

Industry veterans have shared their perspectives, with some noting the current job market as particularly dire. Michelle Hebert, a former sound designer at HakJak and a veteran with 15 years of experience, has been laid off four times. She remarked on the stark difference in the current climate, observing that previously, there were ample opportunities for those affected by layoffs, but now, the safety net appears to be absent.

Molly Warner, a former senior environment artist at Blizzard with a decade of experience, faced layoffs for the first time, stating that even one instance is one too many. Her testimony underscores the uncertainty and difficulty that comes with job loss in this volatile industry.

These personal accounts highlight the grim reality for many in the gaming industry, where job security has become increasingly precarious, and the search for new roles has become more challenging than ever before.

Resources for Displaced Workers

Despite the challenges posed by widespread layoffs, various resources have been established to assist game developers in finding new employment opportunities. Among these resources are:

  • A LinkedIn group organized by Amir Satvat, offering volunteer mentorship, CV reviews, and updated lists of job openings and laid-off developers.
  • Cristina Amaya runs a Slack server dedicated to job-seeking developers, providing a platform for networking and support.
  • The UK games industry also has a Slack group that serves as a hub for job seekers within the region.

These initiatives represent a collective effort to support those affected by the layoffs, helping them to navigate the job market and connect with potential employers.

Personal Stories of Affected Developers

The human cost of the gaming industry’s layoffs is best understood through the personal stories of those affected. Within the last 12 months, countless developers have faced the uncertainty and hardship that comes with being laid off. Their experiences represent a mere fraction of the overall impact, yet they provide a poignant insight into the individual struggles behind the statistics.

These developers have had to contend with the loss of not just their jobs but also the disruption of their career trajectories and the emotional toll of such sudden changes. Their stories are a testament to the resilience of those within the industry and a reminder of the personal stakes involved in the broader economic trends.


The extensive layoffs in the gaming industry from January 2023 to January 2024 have had profound implications for the future of the sector and the developers affected. The loss of nearly 17,000 jobs within a year signals a period of significant upheaval and uncertainty. As the industry grapples with these changes, the personal stories of those laid off serve as a stark reminder of the human element behind each statistic.

The long-term effects of these layoffs on the gaming industry remain to be seen, but they will undoubtedly shape the strategies of companies and the careers of game developers for years to come. The resilience of the community, as well as the support systems that have emerged, offer some hope for recovery and adaptation in the face of these challenges.

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