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Diablo 4 Beta: Key Dates and Preload Information for Upcoming Server Stress Test

After a long wait, the public finally got to experience Diablo 4 during the open beta in March, which was met with much excitement. If you missed out on that opportunity, Blizzard is hosting another playtest to stress-test their servers. The Diablo 4 “Server Slam” playtest kicks off on Friday, May 12. Diablo 4 beta […]

Diablo 4 Enthusiasts Rejoice: Mount Enhancements on the Horizon

Diablo 4 enthusiasts, the moment we’ve all been eagerly anticipating has arrived—our steeds are about to get a significant upgrade. Traversing the Fractured Peaks on horseback, I’ve encountered countless skeletal obstructions, a recurring nuisance after slaying hordes of skeletons. Despite surviving encounters with zombies, insects, arachnids, and even polar bears, my horse has always been […]

Elon Musk’s Quake Legacy: From Top Player Claims to Diablo 4 Challenges

Elon Musk’s Claim to Quake Fame Met With Skepticism Billionaire and tech mogul Elon Musk has made the bold claim that he was once among the world’s elite Quake players, boasting that he even won money from tournaments. This statement, which surfaced during an interview with podcaster Lex Fridman, was met with a mix of […]

An ARPG I love from 2016 just had a massive update that gives players a Diablo 4-style dodge, among a huge list of other goodies

The beloved ARPG Grim Dawn, which first captivated players in 2016, has recently received a substantial update. This update breathes new life into the game with a host of enhancements, including a Diablo 4-inspired dodge mechanic complete with invincibility frames, and a plethora of additional exciting features. The anticipation for the game’s forthcoming expansion, Fangs […]