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Mastering the Hunt for the Cyphered Tablet in COD: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

In the thrilling world of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies mode, the Cyphered Tablet emerges as a pivotal item for players aiming to conquer Act One missions. This enigmatic object is not just a collectible but a cornerstone for completing a series of challenging tasks. Securing a Cyphered Tablet is the culmination of various mission objectives, each leading players closer to the ultimate goal of mastering the zombie-infested battlegrounds and advancing through the game’s narrative.

Acquiring the Cyphered Tablet

To obtain the elusive Cyphered Tablet in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies mode, players must first complete specific objectives within the game. These objectives act as triggers, causing the tablet to spawn in the game world, ready for collection. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to secure your very own Cyphered Tablet:

  • Engage in the mission of your choice, such as Hands Off or Bring Em On, which are known to lead to a tablet drop upon completion.
  • Focus on completing the mission’s primary objective, like eliminating ten mercenaries with a sentry gun or taking down a Special or Elite enemy with Frenzied Guard active.
  • Upon successful completion of the objective, the Cyphered Tablet will spawn, typically near the location of the last enemy defeated in the objective.
  • Locate the tablet, which is distinctly shaped and labeled as a quest item, making it easily identifiable amidst the chaos of battle.

Remember, the Cyphered Tablet is integral to progressing through the game’s missions, so keep an eye out for it once you’ve completed the necessary steps.

Modern Warfare 3 Cyphered Tablet objective in a mission
(Image credit: Activision)


If you encounter the unfortunate situation of missing the Cyphered Tablet pickup or if you die before securing it, don’t fret. There is a way to spawn a second tablet to ensure you can continue your journey in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies mode. Follow these steps to get back on track:

Action Result
Replay the mission objective that initially spawned the tablet. A second Cyphered Tablet will appear for you to collect.
Ensure the mission is active in your quest log. Confirms that the game recognizes your attempt to spawn the tablet.

By repeating the specific mission step, you can generate another opportunity to grab the tablet. Just make sure the mission is active to avoid any hiccups in the spawning process.

Once you have the Cyphered Tablet in your possession, it’s crucial to understand that it won’t appear in your inventory. This can be confusing, but rest assured, the game has registered the item as collected. With this knowledge, you can confidently proceed to complete the tier-five missions of Act One in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies mode. Keep in mind that the Cyphered Tablet is a key to unlocking new areas and secrets within the game, so treat it as a valuable asset in your zombie-slaying arsenal.

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