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Mastering the Battlefield: Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Strategy Guide

Understanding the Challenge of Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin

Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin presents a formidable challenge, particularly for newcomers still getting to grips with its unique gameplay mechanics. While it draws inspiration from the Dawn of War series, it sets itself apart with distinct strategic elements. The game emphasizes the careful management of units and the strategic capture of territories to achieve victory.

One of the key differences from the Dawn of War series is the approach to unit replenishment. In Realms of Ruin, players must be more cautious with their expensive units, as replenishment is less of a focus. Instead, players are encouraged to use their cheaper infantry to capture points and secure a win.

Stormcast Eternal with a flag in Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin

(Image credit: Frontier Developments)

Early Game Unit Strategy

In the initial stages of Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, it’s advantageous to split up your units to swiftly secure command points and objectives. This strategy allows you to gather essential resources and establish a foothold on the battlefield.

  1. Direct your faction leader and an infantry unit towards the command points closest to your base.
  2. Simultaneously, build an additional unit of infantry to begin capturing objectives.
  3. Focus on command points first, as they take longer to capture, but provide valuable early-game advantages.
  4. Utilize the early game lull to amass Realmstone, which is crucial for future upgrades and reinforcements.

By following these steps, you can set a strong foundation for your Dawnbringer Crusade in the realm of Ghur.

Units advancing across the battlefield in Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin

(Image credit: Frontier Developments)

Upgrade Prioritization

As battles in Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin unfold largely automatically, prioritizing attack and defense upgrades is crucial. These enhancements ensure that your units hit harder and sustain less damage, allowing them to survive longer and reduce the need for frequent retreats for healing.

Standard Upgrades Unique Upgrades
Increased attack damage for more efficient combat Special abilities like HP-melting magic throwing knives for Kairic Acolytes
Enhanced defense to withstand enemy blows Stunlock capabilities from Longstrike Crossbow Vanguards

While standard upgrades are essential, certain unique upgrades can offer game-changing advantages. For instance, the upgrade that allows Horrors of Tzeentch to spawn more units upon death can turn the tide of battle with a relentless wave of reinforcements.

Invest in these upgrades judiciously, ensuring you have enough Realmstone to activate the most impactful ones for your strategy.

Strategic upgrade options in Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin

(Image credit: Frontier Developments)

Unit Composition and Management

In Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, success often hinges on the ability to maintain a large and robust presence on the battlefield. Ensuring you have a steady stream of units to deploy is key to both offensive pushes and defensive holds.

Infantry units like the Stormcast Liberators are particularly valuable for their cost-effectiveness and durability. With abilities like the Aegis of Sigmar, which is available for a mere 30 Realmstone, they can hold their own against more powerful units, making them ideal for occupying objectives and engaging enemy forces.

Strategically, it’s less about the individual prowess of units and more about the collective strength of your forces. A well-balanced army that can sustain its numbers will outlast and outmaneuver opponents, leading to victory through sheer force and strategic positioning.

Tactical Movement and Charging

Mastering the art of charging in Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin can provide a significant advantage in combat. Units like the Stormcast Vanguard Hunters possess charge abilities that can disrupt enemy formations and create opportunities for your forces to deal damage without retaliation.

Effective use of charging requires timing and precision. Here are some tips for maximizing this tactic:

  • Identify units with charge abilities and familiarize yourself with their cooldowns and effects.
  • Target the flanks of enemy units already engaged in combat to maximize the impact of the charge.
  • Coordinate charges from multiple units to overwhelm a single enemy target and break their lines.

Remember, while charging is a powerful tool, it should be used strategically to ensure your units aren’t left vulnerable after the initial assault.

Economy and Resource Management

In Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, Realmstone is a critical resource that fuels your army’s abilities, reinforcements, and upgrades. Efficiently gathering and managing Realmstone can be the difference between victory and defeat.

To maximize your Realmstone income:

  • Construct Realmstone Siphons early in the game to increase your flow of resources.
  • Upgrade your home base to Tier II as soon as possible to unlock further economic advantages.

Strategic placement and protection of your Realmstone Siphons will ensure a steady supply of this valuable resource, allowing you to maintain the momentum of your campaign.

Defensive Strategies

While offensive maneuvers are crucial in Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, a solid defense is equally important. Protecting your captured points can prevent the enemy from gaining ground and disrupting your resource flow.

Here are some defensive strategies to consider:

  • Establish a rear guard with a Tier II unit to patrol your backline and engage any enemy harassers.
  • Use units like the Tzaangors for their ability to serve as a bulwark against enemy assault units.
  • Set up patrols in a zig-zag pattern to cover more area and increase the chances of intercepting enemy units.

By maintaining a vigilant defense, you can ensure that your hard-won territories remain under your control, contributing to your overall strategy and success.

Specialized Unit Utilization

The Flamers of Tzeentch are among the most potent units in Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin. Their ability to deal devastating damage makes them a must-have in any army composition aligned with Tzeentch.

To effectively integrate Flamers of Tzeentch into your forces:

  • Focus your strategy on acquiring enough Realmstone to deploy these units as soon as they become available.
  • Pair Flamers with sturdy units like Tzaangors to absorb damage and protect them from direct combat.
  • Maintain a ratio of two Flamers for every Tzaangor to maximize your offensive capabilities.

With the right balance of protection and firepower, Flamers of Tzeentch can serve as the backbone of a highly effective army, capable of melting through enemy defenses.

Unit Replacement vs. Healing

In the heat of battle within Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, commanders must make quick decisions regarding the welfare of their units. Sometimes, the choice between sending a unit back to base for healing or simply replacing it with a fresh squad can have significant strategic implications.

Consider the following when making this decision:

  • Assess the time it would take for a unit to retreat, heal, and return to the front lines compared to recruiting a new unit.
  • For Tier I units, which are typically quicker and cheaper to produce, replacement may be more efficient than healing.
  • Reserve the retreat and heal strategy for your more valuable units, such as heavies and monsters, which have longer recruitment times.

Ultimately, the goal is to maintain a strong and active presence on the battlefield, so choose the method that keeps your forces in the fight with minimal downtime.

Mastering Unit Selection and Movement in Battle

Effective unit management is crucial in Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin. While command groups can simplify the process of moving units across the battlefield, they can be cumbersome in combat situations.

Here are some tips for managing your units during battle:

  • Use command groups to position your forces strategically around the battlefield.
  • Once in position, select units individually to engage the enemy, ensuring that ranged units stay back while melee units engage.
  • By manually selecting units for attacks, you can better control the flow of battle and protect valuable units from unnecessary harm.

Remember, the key to victory often lies in the details of how well you can command your troops in the heat of battle.

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