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Locating the Flashlight in Sons of the Forest: A Guide

Discovering the flashlight in Sons of the Forest should be a priority as it not only gives purpose to the batteries you collect from cannibal camps but also allows you to navigate the game’s eerie caves with much-needed visibility. The lighter and torch might provide some light, but they pale in comparison to the flashlight’s capabilities.

The flashlight is located at a particularly macabre scene: a man has met his end, hanged from a cliff with bottles of alcohol around him. This grim tableau marks the spot where you can acquire the flashlight.

Sons of the Forest flashlight: Where to find it

The flashlight can be found at one of the purple point-of-interest markers on your GPS at the game’s outset. Aim for the marker just northwest of the central snowy mountains, close to a north/south river’s end. A foot trail leads to it, but you might want to cut through the trees to steer clear of nearby cannibal camps.

Keep your GPS handy, and as you draw nearer to the location, it will start beeping more frequently. If you’re coming from the west, you might spot the hanging body first, or it might blend into the cliff face and be missed. Either way, once you’re close enough, the beeping will guide you.

Once you find the body, there’s some free alcohol nearby, useful for crafting molotov cocktails. To retrieve the flashlight, you’ll need to cut the body down. Find a slope leading to the top of the cliff, and from there, locate a small boulder with the rope tied around it. A few swings of the axe should do the trick.

After cutting the rope, return to the base of the cliff where you’ll find the flashlight next to the body. You’ll also find a GPS locator, which is a handy tool for keeping track of your companions on the map.

Item Use
Flashlight Provides light in dark areas
Batteries Power source for the flashlight
GPS Locator Tracks companions on the map

The flashlight is a permanent addition to your inventory and cannot be dropped. You’ll find it near the knife to the left of the crafting space. When the flashlight’s default batteries run out, you can replace them by “combining” the flashlight with a new pack of batteries. The flashlight also has a dedicated shortcut key by default: L for “let there be light”.

  • Flashlight – Essential for visibility in dark areas
  • Batteries – Required to power the flashlight
  • GPS Locator – Helps track companions
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