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League of Legends’ most iconic map is getting a huge makeover, ridable monsters, and an infestation of gross alien insects

Major Overhaul to Summoner’s Rift in Season 14

Summoner’s Rift, the central battlefield for League of Legends players, is undergoing a significant transformation in Season 14. The map’s core terrain and layout are receiving updates, with a particular focus on the areas around the river. Additionally, the monsters inhabiting the Rift are getting a void-style makeover, introducing a slew of new features and challenges for players to tackle.

The new voidborn Rift Herald in League of Legends
(Image credit: Riot Games)

  • Revised terrain around the river for strategic depth
  • Monsters updated with void-inspired aesthetics and abilities
  • New gameplay mechanics for select monsters

Top and Bot Lane Adjustments

The iconic lanes of Summoner’s Rift are seeing strategic alterations to balance the playing field. Both the top and bottom lanes have been redesigned to equalize the terrain for the red and blue sides, with the brush now centralized in the river area to enhance gameplay dynamics.

The redesigned top lane of Summoner's Rift for Season 14 of League of Legends
(Image credit: Riot Games)
The redesigned bot lane of Summoner's Rift for Season 14 of League of Legends
(Image credit: Riot Games)

Top Lane Changes Bot Lane Changes
Red side terrain now mirrors blue side Red side terrain now mirrors blue side
Brush moved to the middle of the river New path added for red side to enter the river, complete with tri-brush

Mid Lane Expansion

The mid lane of Summoner’s Rift is expanding its strategic possibilities with the relocation of brushes. This change is designed to reduce the ease of ambushes, potentially increasing the viability of less mobile champions in the mid lane.

The redesigned mid lane of Summoner's Rift for Season 14 of League of Legends
(Image credit: Riot Games)

  • Brush on both sides moved back away from the lane

Baron Pit Evolution

The Baron pit is evolving in Season 14 with the introduction of three distinct Barons, each boasting a unique pit and set of abilities to challenge players in new ways.

One of the new Baron forms on Summoner's Rift for Season 14 of League of Legends
(Image credit: Riot Games)

  • New wall added opposite Baron and Dragon pits
  • Visual update for Baron
  • One of three Barons will now spawn at 20 minutes
  • Each Baron type has a different pit and unique ability
Baron Type Unique Features
Hunting Baron Classic design known to players
Territorial Baron Wall in the middle of the entrance to his pit
All-Seeing Baron Long tunnel-like pit with central positioning

Voidgrub Allies

The Baron pit will now be home to voidgrubs, a new type of monster that players can defeat for buffs. These creatures are part of the void-themed overhaul coming to Summoner’s Rift in Season 14.

Champions engaging with voidgrubs in League of Legends
(Image credit: Riot Games)

  • Voidgrubs spawn in the Baron pit, offering new buffs upon defeat
  • Killing five voidgrubs allows players to summon voidmite allies

Rift Herald Interactivity

Season 14 introduces a novel way to interact with the Rift Herald. Players can now ride and control this void-inspired creature, adding a new layer of strategy to their League of Legends matches.

The new look of the Rift Herald in League of Legends, which players can now ride
(Image credit: Riot Games)

  • Rift Herald gets a new void-inspired look
  • Players can ride on the Rift Herald’s back and control its movements
  • Blue and Red buff monsters become stronger after 20 minutes, transforming into their void forms

Additional Updates to Summoner’s Rift

Alongside the major changes, Season 14 brings a variety of additional updates to Summoner’s Rift. These tweaks aim to refine the gameplay experience and keep the battlefields of League of Legends fresh and exciting.

  • Mythic items are being removed to encourage more diverse item builds
  • Small adjustments to Drakes to enhance their impact on the game
  • New music scores will accompany players as they traverse the updated Summoner’s Rift
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