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Guide to Saving the Gondians in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Importance of Saving the Gondians

In Act Three of Baldur’s Gate 3, players are presented with the critical task of saving the Gondians. This mission is not only a noble endeavor but also a strategic move that can significantly impact the game’s outcome. Successfully rescuing the Gondians from their captors adds a valuable set of allies to the player’s forces in the impending final battle against the formidable Elder Brain.

By undertaking the quest to free the Gondians, players can also gain another ally in their war against the Mind Flayers. This alliance is not just a short-term benefit but a long-term investment in the player’s campaign, providing additional support and resources that can be the difference between victory and defeat. The act of saving the Gondians is a testament to the player’s leadership and compassion, showcasing their ability to rally diverse groups under a common cause.

Moreover, the quest to save the Gondians is a reflection of the intricate and dynamic world of Baldur’s Gate 3, where every action and decision can ripple through the narrative, influencing the game’s direction and the player’s experience. It is these choices that enrich the gameplay and immerse players in the role of a hero whose deeds are felt across the land.

Initiating the Save the Gondians Quest

To embark on the quest to Save the Gondians in Baldur’s Gate 3, players must first interact with Zanner Toobin, a Gondian captive laboring within the confines of the Steel Watch Foundry. However, gaining entry to this heavily guarded establishment requires ingenuity and stealth.

  • One approach is to utilize the Fly spell, allowing players to access the Steel Watch Foundry through a skylight on the building’s roof.
  • Alternatively, players can opt for Invisibility to lockpick the gate discreetly and then proceed through the doors to infiltrate the main building.

Tip: It’s crucial to ensure your party is ungrouped when employing these methods to avoid detection by nearby NPCs.

Zanner Toobin, a Gondian captive in Baldur's Gate 3
Zanner Toobin will urge you to see reason. Credit: Dot Esports

Once inside, players must confront the Steel Watcher Guards at the entrance to prevent further complications. After navigating to the back of the building, players will meet Zanner Toobin, who will reveal his desire to save his fellow Gondians before any action is taken against the Steel Watch Foundry. It’s a delicate situation where the player’s choices can lead to the Gondians’ freedom or demise.

Locating the Gondians in the Iron Throne

After successfully infiltrating the Steel Watch Foundry and speaking with Zanner Toobin, players learn that the Gondians are held captive in the Iron Throne. To reach this location, players must seek the assistance of Redhammer the Deviser.

Players will find Redhammer in the basement of Flymm’s Cargo, which serves as the sole passage to the Iron Throne. The coordinates to locate the Hatch to Flymm Cargo are X-163, Y-143. Players have the option to either appeal to Redhammer’s sense of justice by explaining the plight of the Gondians or to leverage information about the Waveservants of Umberlee to coerce his cooperation.

Redhammer the Deviser in Baldur's Gate 3
Convince Redhammer the Deviser to aid your quest to the Iron Throne. Credit: Dot Esports

Once Redhammer is persuaded, he will personally escort players to the Iron Throne. However, upon arrival, players are confronted by Gortash, who perceives this rescue mission as an act of treason. Dismissing Gortash’s threats is perilous, as he has the power to sink the Iron Throne, endangering everyone inside. This revelation adds a layer of urgency to the quest, as players must now race against time to save the Gondians within a limited number of turns while ensuring their entire party survives the ordeal.

Rescuing the Gondians from the Iron Throne

The mission to rescue the Gondians from the Iron Throne is a race against time, where speed and strategic planning are essential. The objective is to reach the prison cells and operate the levers before the structure succumbs to water pressure and collapses.

Action Description
Open Prison Cells Players must unlock the cells to free the Gondians.
Clear Enemies Eliminate threats to ensure the Gondians’ safe escape.

Tip: Utilize characters with abilities like Fly, Misty Step, Haste, and other high-movement skills to navigate the prison quickly and efficiently.

The underwater prison, the Iron Throne, in Baldur's Gate 3
Speed is of the essence in rescuing the Gondians from the Iron Throne. Credit: Dot Esports

The prison’s layout is relatively straightforward, with cells located on both the west and east wings. Players should divide their party, sending two characters to each wing to expedite the rescue process. Upon reaching the eastern wing, players may encounter Grand Duke Ravengard, who can also be saved if he is still alive in the player’s game.

After clearing the enemies, players must act swiftly to hit the levers next to the cell doors, allowing the captives to rush to the submersible. It’s crucial to ensure the Gondians’ escape routes are unobstructed, as enemies will not hesitate to attack them during their escape.

Tip: The Gondians will attempt to flee during their turn in combat, so prioritize clearing their path and act quickly. While it may be challenging to save all the Gondians, focus on rescuing as many as possible.

(Optional) Saving the Grand Duke

In the quest to save the Gondians, players have the optional objective of rescuing Grand Duke Ravengard. Successfully saving him not only contributes to the immediate goal of freeing the Gondians but also has long-term benefits, as the Grand Duke’s survival ties into another quest and secures an additional ally for future battles.

Players should aim to save as many Gondians as possible, and keeping the Grand Duke alive is a significant bonus. Upon freeing him from his cell, it’s imperative to heal him promptly since he will be in a critical state. The Grand Duke’s precarious situation is further complicated when Mizora appears, demanding his submission and threatening his life with combustible spiders.

Grand Duke Ravengard in Baldur's Gate 3
The Grand Duke will make a powerful ally in your war. Credit: Dot Esports

If Wyll has broken free from his contract with Mizora, she will target him with lethal intent. To protect the Grand Duke, players must either heal him sufficiently to withstand the spider attack or eliminate the spiders swiftly. Once the threat is neutralized, the Grand Duke must be escorted to the submersible for a safe escape.

Tip: The Grand Duke’s survival can significantly impact your campaign, so prioritize his safety during the escape.

After Saving the Gondians

Once the daring escape from the Iron Throne is complete, the aftermath of the player’s actions begins to unfold. Zanner Toobin and the freed Gondians express their gratitude by pledging to assist in the destruction of the Steel Watch Foundry. This alliance is a testament to the player’s successful navigation of complex moral and strategic choices throughout the quest.

If the player also managed to save the Grand Duke, he will return to camp and offer his services for the final confrontation against the Elder Brain. The Grand Duke’s allegiance is a valuable asset, bolstering the player’s forces with his influence and strength.

Grand Duke Ravengard pledging his service in Baldur's Gate 3
Grand Duke Ravengard’s allegiance strengthens your position in the war. Credit: Dot Esports

The player’s interactions with the Waveservants of Umberlee also come to a head. Depending on whether Redhammer was handed over to them, the Waveservants may depart peacefully or engage in combat. This decision further illustrates the ripple effect of choices in Baldur’s Gate 3, where every action can lead to a multitude of consequences.

In the end, the player’s ability to forge alliances through acts of heroism and diplomacy shapes the narrative and the strength of their coalition. The successful rescue of the Gondians and the Grand Duke not only adds depth to the story but also provides tangible benefits that can tip the scales in the epic battle that lies ahead.

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