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Digging to Disaster: A Cautionary Tale in Enshrouded

An Unintended Journey Beneath the Surface

Embarking on an adventure in the game Enshrouded can lead to unexpected turns, especially when curiosity gets the better of you. A personal escapade taught me a valuable lesson that I’d like to pass on: when you decide to dig a hole out of sheer curiosity, always remember to bring extra tools. In my case, an additional pickaxe or two would have saved me from a predicament deep beneath the ground. This piece of advice might seem trivial, but as you’ll see, it can make the difference between a successful excavation and a subterranean trap.

A player's view from the bottom of a deep hole in Enshrouded

The Pitfall of Curiosity

The incident began innocently enough, with a friend and I discussing the merits of subterranean versus above-ground base building in Enshrouded. The conversation took a turn when I accidentally tumbled into a hole he had dug near his base. After a light-hearted chuckle and my escape from the pit, we pondered the potential of constructing a base that extended into the depths rather than reaching for the skies.

Inspired by the idea, I began my own excavation project, driven by the allure of what secrets might lie below. Gamers often dream of unearthing hidden treasures or stumbling upon expansive, uncharted cave systems teeming with unique creatures. The list of hypothetical discoveries was tantalizing:

  • A vein of rare minerals, glowing with untapped potential
  • Massive caverns, home to civilizations of pale, sightless beings
  • The very bottom of the game world, where one might encounter a solid bedrock or a glitchy void reminiscent of a Bethesda title

With such possibilities in mind, I dug fervently, each strike of the pickaxe fueled by a blend of hope and curiosity.

The Downward Spiral

As I delved deeper into the earth of Enshrouded, the thrill of discovery began to wane. My pockets filled with nothing more than dirt and stones, and the initial excitement gave way to the monotony of my task. It was then that I noticed the ominous “enshrouded” warning illuminate on my screen, signaling that I had entered a zone filled with the game’s deadly gas. Yet, strangely, there was no visible gas, and the timer that should have begun counting down my remaining safe time remained still. Dismissing it as a harmless bug, I continued my descent.

My determination, however, was met with an abrupt end when my pickaxe finally gave way and broke. Staring up at the distant speck of daylight, the reality of my situation sank in. I was trapped, with no means to climb out. In Enshrouded, players are barred from fast-traveling while in an enshrouded area, a mechanic designed to add risk to exploring the game’s more perilous regions. This meant that my usual escape route was blocked, and I was left with no choice but to devise another plan.

The 'enshrouded' warning indicator in the game Enshrouded

A Rescue Mission

With my escape tools broken and fast-travel disabled, I resorted to desperate measures. I attempted to dig my way out with an axe, a sword, and even my bare fists, but the earth was unyielding. The few bombs in my inventory only succeeded in creating a larger space at the bottom of my hole, offering no real solution. Casting fireball spells in a futile attempt to harm myself and trigger a respawn, I found that even the splash damage refused to grant me an exit.

Admitting defeat, I revealed my predicament to my friend, who responded with laughter at my self-inflicted plight. After the amusement subsided, I suggested leaving the server in hopes of respawning elsewhere. However, my friend, DJNoob, had other plans. He insisted on mounting a rescue mission, perhaps to prolong my embarrassment or to teach a lesson about the consequences of reckless exploration in Enshrouded.

True to his word, DJNoob embarked on a “boy trapped in a well” operation. He carefully navigated down a cliff face near my hole and began tunneling towards me. The sound of his pickaxe chipping away at the rock grew louder as he approached, a testament to the game’s immersive audio effects. After a brief return to base to repair his own pickaxe, he finally broke through the last layer of stone. At long last, I was free from my subterranean prison.

Post-Rescue Discoveries

Following my dramatic rescue from the depths of Enshrouded, I noticed that the “enshrouded” indicator, which had been the root of my troubles, remained stubbornly active. It refused to count down even after I had reached the safety of the surface. The glitch was only resolved when I entered and exited a different enshrouded area, which finally caused the timer to behave as intended.

Upon revisiting the site of my former entrapment, we discovered that while my original hole remained as a testament to my folly, the rescue tunnel that DJNoob had so diligently dug had mysteriously vanished. Whether this was another bug or a quirk of the game’s world persistence was unclear, but it was certainly peculiar that my actions had left a permanent mark, while his had not.

In reflecting on this experience, I can’t help but feel that I was more a victim of circumstance than a reckless digger. The bug that trapped me was an unforeseen glitch, not a consequence of my own lack of preparation. Nevertheless, the ordeal served as a stark reminder of the age-old wisdom against digging too greedily or too deep, as famously warned by Tolkien. It’s a lesson I’ll carry with me in all my future virtual excavations, and one I’d advise all players of Enshrouded to heed.

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